This version of the mod is outdated as there is a new version of the Dove. The plan is to update this mod so stay tuned.


Fixes to avionics of the freeware deHavilland DH104 Dove by Robert Richardson available at Sim-Outhouse.


Extract to Community folder


  • ADF can be tuned with the three knobs below the ADF screen
  • ADF stand-by and active frequencies can be swapped by clicking on the ADF display
  • NAV1 and NAV2 stand-by and active frequencies can be swapped by clicking on the NAV1/NAV2 displays
  • VSI now displaying correct value
  • Glideslope fixed (before it was reversed)
  • Azimuth ring on the VOR1 gauge now rotates together with the selected radial
  • ADF needle (red) on the RMI gauge is now pointing to the station
  • The double green needle on the same RMI gauge is linked to NAV2 (as before there was a NAV2 radio but no gauge linked to it).

Besides, the way the NAV radios are tuned is changed as follows:

  • The left knob tunes MHz and the right knob tunes KHz
  • Mouse wheel logic for tuning the NAV radios is changed to be more intuitive (and in line with common practice in other aircraft addons).


Please note that since many animations are not linear (they are progressive instead), some gauges/needles are still not 100% correct. The linearity of animations can't be changed without editing the 3d model so this is (as far as I know) outside of my powers.

In practice what happens is that for instance with the same rate of CDI course increase, the azimuth ring moves rather slowly away from N and then accelerates towards S (and vice versa back to N). By the looks of it, the ADF and VOR2 needles on the RMI gauge demonstrate the same issue as is the heading selector needle on the DG.