This Requires GSX Pro for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

This profile is specifically for the FREEWARE Samos Airport scenery for MSFS which can be downloaded on by AlexAb

This will NOT work with the PAYWARE LGSM - it will only work with the above freeware LGSM


  • Stands M1 & M2 have been marked as Deactivated by the scenery developer. Therefore, no services can be used here and nothing can be done about this (military apron)
  • S Ramp Stands 1 through to 6 have been marked as No Pushback again there are limitations with what the developer has done with the BGL preventing any work here
  • Passenger buses cannot be started from the terminal. I assume something is in the BGL preventing this or making them spawn elsewhere.
  • I cannot control the direction of travel of ground vehicles due to the way the scenery was created.


I have created Custom Pushback for each main stand with the option where applicable of Pushback "FACING EAST" or "FACING WEST" on the label. This will make it easy to distinguish which direction you need to push and face and is also super useful when using VATSIM.

I have also set up the baggage carts to spawn from the baggage area at the side of the terminal so they have to drive to the aircraft. Unfortunately again due to limitations and the way the scenery is laid out, I cannot make the carts and ground equipment drive on the roads so they tend to drive straight down the ramp directly to the aircraft from the terminal in most cases.


Improvements I have been able to make to the scenery by using this GSX Profile:

  • Custom Pushback
  • I have disabled the BGL issue via GSX which made it think it had jetways at each stand. This will now trigger the passenger bus to appear and make use of aircraft steps properly (no more floating people walking to infinite!)
  • Ground vehicles placed in reasonable/more realistic locations
  • All Ground Vehicles are OLYMPIC and only conveyer belts can be used for cargo hold loading.

To install, extract the .zip and move the eggd-bhqjb.ini file inside to the following route:



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