This is my GSX Pro Profile for CentralSim SABE.

The modified gates are:

1 through 33 (gate 3 through 12 have jetways, stands 32 and 33 don't have stairs due to normally being used by RJ type aircraft)

67 thourgh 69 (stands)

These positions have custom vehicle locations and custom pushback routes, from parking 2 through 31 the pushback will be done only facing north on the apron, as per real life operations. Stand 33 doesn't have pushback, position 32 has pushback if there's an acft occupying stand 33 .

These were set up by using the AIP, taking into account the largest aircraft capable for each stand.


Just copy the .ini file into %Appdata%/virtuali/GSX/MSFS


Thanks for downloading, any issues you have feel free to comment so I can help.