Enjoy this completed GSX preset for Cancun International, all ramps and gates are now completed. This will only work with the MaccoSim Cancun scenery!

Includes walking paths, custom vehicle locations for each gate and ramp, and also correct marshalling directions into the gate/ramp of your choice. This airport does not include any VDGS just like in the real world. ALL gates and ramps added (excluding alt stands as not visible on GSX), so the airport is now complete. Pushback has not been configured, however, default should work out of the box. Leaving as default due to preferences.

• Gates S1 - S7 (Terminal 1 complete)

• Ramps/Gates 1 - 22 (Terminal 2 complete)

• Gates 23 - 48 (Terminal 3 complete)

• Ramps/Gates 53 - 68 (Terminal 4 complete)

Gates 29, 30 & 31: Terminal entrance has an invisible barrier, therefore, cannot make pax walk in/out of the terminal. Can only spawn them on the stairs, otherwise, they will walk on/off the roof.


To install, extract the .zip and move the .ini file inside to the following route:

\Users\Your Username\AppData\Roaming\virtuali\GSX\MSFS