I created two new kml files with bubbles which contain links to Mapy.cz and Wikipedia and the names of the authors of the castles, towers (CZ_Landmarks) and silos (CZ_Silo V1) addons. Mapy.cz is a Czech website that provides interesting sights and information about the place. The Wikipedia link displays several links on the castle you click on.
I added some pictures of castles and fligthplan in google earth and also both (pln and kml) in LittleNavMap. With LittleNavMap, you will see your plane on the flight plan and surf between castles. You can also create your own flight plan with the loading of the KML file.

With the kml files I created 5 flight plans which cover the sites of the landmarks of the Czech Republic. Leave your plane alone and surf your drone between castles and historic towers and learn more along the way with Wikipedia and Mapz !!!

Many thanks to "Honza Stepnicka, Jirka Malinka, Radek Vasicek, Milan Smid" who posted these addons on flightsim.to and to the authors of these Czech castles, towers and silos which are available here:


INSTALLATION:Unzip KML_PNL_CZ-Landmarks-Silo.zip and place the files in your folders as you wish.

KML files: Click on them to open them in Google Earth or in LittleNavMap using the File / AddGoogleEarth KML menu.

PLN files: opened in FS2020 or with LittleNavMap.